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  1. Populus - Wikipedia

  2. Populus -

    VERKKOPopulus on ohjelma, jolla tehdään koulutushakemukset ja muut poissaolot paitsi sairauspoissaolot. Sivulla on linkki Populusiin, käyttöohje ja yleisimmät poissaolosyyt.

  3. Populier (Populus) - soorten, aanplanten en verzorgen | Directplant

  4. Flora van Nederland: Zwarte populier - Populus nigra

  5. 10 Poplar Trees: Pros and Cons of Each Type - The Spruce

    VERKKO23. helmik. 2023 · There are around 35 species of trees in the genus Populus, or poplar and none are particularly well suited for use as landscape trees. However, the poplar tree does have its appeal. …

  6. Populus - New World Encyclopedia

    VERKKOPopulus is a genus of deciduous trees in the flowering plants family Salicaceae, characterized by flowers in the form of long, drooping catkins and by spirally arranged leaves with a long petiole that in …

  7. Populier - Wikipedia

  8. Populus - Trees and Shrubs Online

    VERKKOLearn about the diversity, distribution, biology and uses of poplars (Populus), a genus of fast-growing deciduous or semi-evergreen trees with 29 to 100 species. Find out how to identify, propagate and …