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    Lolliguncula brevis - Wikipedia

    Lolliguncula brevis, or the Atlantic brief squid, is a small species of squid in the Loliginidae family. It is found in shallow parts of the western Atlantic Ocean.… Meer weergeven

    The Atlantic brief squid occurs most frequently in shallow waters along the eastern seaboard of the United States as far north as … Meer weergeven

    Description afbeelding
    Overzicht afbeelding

    The female Atlantic brief squid is about 11 cm long and the male 9 cm. The basic colour is dark reddish-brown to yellow-brown and there are many … Meer weergeven

    This species is found in warm shallow waters, often at the mouths of rivers where it is known to tolerate low salinity levels, down to about half normal marine salinity (17.9%), … Meer weergeven

    Wikipedia-tekst onder CC-BY-SA-licensie
  2. Lolliguncula brevis - Wikipedia

  3. WoRMS - World Register of Marine Species - Lolliguncula brevis ...

  4. Mensen vragen ook naar
    Lolliguncula brevis, or the Atlantic brief squid, is a small species of squid in the Loliginidae family. It is found in shallow parts of the western Atlantic Ocean. The Atlantic brief squid occurs most frequently in shallow waters along the eastern seaboard of the United States as far north as Delaware.
    Shallow-water brief squid Lolliguncula brevis, ranging in size from 1.8 to 8.9 cm in dorsal mantle length (DML), were placed in flumes and videotaped, and the data were analyzed using motion-analysis equipment. Flow visualization and force measurement experiments were also performed in water tunnels.
    Lolliguncula brevis The data from this study indicate that Lolliguncula brevisis a slow-swimming squid that relies heavily on its fins for locomotion, is capable of swimming in two different orientations and uses various swimming strategies depending on size.
    One caveat in suggesting that lift-based mechanisms occur in Lolliguncula brevisfin movement is that, at higher speeds when lift-based propulsive mechanisms were presumably operating, fin activity and amplitude decreased and eventually ceased in the tail-first swimming mode.
  5. Hydrodynamic fin function of brief squid, Lolliguncula brevis

  6. Swimming mechanics and behavior of the shallow-water brief squid

  7. Zooplankton of the South Atlantic Ocean: Lolliguncula brevis

  8. Life History Patterns of the Atlantic Brief Squid, …

    WEBThe Atlantic brief squid, Lolliguncula brevis, is a euryhaline cephalopod that inhabits shallow, continental shelf habitats from Argentina to the Bay of Fundy. In the southeastern United States, brief squid can account for a …

  9. Turning performance of brief squid Lolliguncula brevis during …

  10. Lolliguncula brevis, Western Atlantic brief squid | Request PDF

  11. Age, growth, and maturation of - ResearchGate