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  1. WoRMS - World Register of Marine Species - Ocypode …

  2. Ocypode ceratophthalmus, Horned ghost crab - SeaLifeBase

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    Other articles where Ocypode ceratophthalmus is discussed: ghost crab: O. ceratophthalmus, found on beaches of the Indian and Pacific oceans, uses its claws to catch flies from the undersides of leaves. The male of O. saratan, of the Red Sea, builds a sand mound about 16 cm (6 inches) high and tamps a path…
    Observations conducted at different places along the Moçambique coast indicate that the behaviour of Ocypode ceratophthalmus is extremely plastic, permitting a high degree of adaptation to the often vastly different shores on which they are found.
    The genus of this crab describes the speed of these crab, ocy- means swift in Greek and podos means foot, thus the crabs in this genus are swift-footed. Ceratophthalmus is used to describe the horns on top of the crab’s eyes as cer- means horned in Greek.
    Ceratophthalmus is used to describe the horns on top of the crab’s eyes as cer- means horned in Greek. This species of was originally described as Cancer ceratophthalmus by Pallas in 1772, Fabricius however shifted the species to Ocypode in 1798 and Latreille designated it as the type species in 1810.[ 7]
  4. Horned Ghost Crab (Ocypode ceratophthalmus) · iNaturalist

  5. WoRMS - World Register of Marine Species - Ocypode …

  6. Ocypode ceratophthalmus - Wikiwand

  7. Behavioural and ecological investigations of the crab Ocypode ...

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