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  1. What is Mossad chief David Barnea’s role in hostage negotiations ...

  2. Israel's Mossad chief sets new red lines for Iranian leadership, Russia

  3. 以色列摩薩德官員前往卡達 與哈瑪斯恢復人質休戰談判 - 國際 - 中 …

  4. 其他人也問了以下問題
  5. Mossad Chief Met Qatari PM in Europe to Discuss Israel-Hamas

  6. Mossad Chief: 'A Country Which Neglects Peace Is Destined to

  7. US and Israeli spy chiefs hold hostage talks in Qatar as Gaza battle …

  8. Mossad chief vows to target Iran's 'highest echelon' if Israelis, Jews ...

  9. Mossad chief to meet Qatar PM in Norway for renewed hostage …

  10. Israëlische onderhandelaars vertrekken uit Qatar, voorlopig geen …

  11. Hamas, Israel consider new Gaza truce parameters including …