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  2. Pontic Greeks - Wikipedia

  3. Pontius Pilate: The Man Who Sentenced Jesus Christ to Death

  4. Pon·tius Pi·late
    1. (died c. 36 ad), Roman procurator of Judaea c. 26–c. 36. He is remembered for presiding at the trial of Jesus Christ and authorizing his crucifixion.
    More about Pilate, Pontius
  5. Boethius - Wikipedia

    WEBMay 31, 2024 · Early life Consular diptych depicting Narius Manlius Boethius, Boethius' birth father Boethius was born in Rome to a patrician family c. 480, but the exact date of his birth is unknown. His birth family, …

  6. Ben-Hur (1959 film) - Wikipedia

    WEB2 days ago · Judah meets with Pontius Pilate, who fears Judah's victory will stoke rebellion against Roman rule. Judah rejects his patrimony and Roman citizenship. Returning to the leper colony, he reveals himself to …

  7. Good Friday - Wikipedia

    WEB2 days ago · In the morning, the whole assembly brought Jesus to the Roman governor Pontius Pilate under charges of subverting the nation, opposing taxes to Caesar, and making himself a king. Pilate authorized …

  8. Ben-Hur (2016 film) - Wikipedia

    WEBMay 23, 2024 · Messala reunites with Ben-Hur and attempts to convince him to serve as an informant - the new governor Pontius Pilate is coming to Jerusalem and Messala does not want any revolt. Judah claims he will …

  9. The Master and Margarita - Wikipedia

    WEB3 days ago · In the novel, Pontius Pilate is a central character in the subplot set in ancient Jerusalem. Pilate suffers terribly from migraines , has suicidal thoughts, and loves only his dog, Banga. He is tasked with …

  10. Pontius Pilate - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms |

  11. The Meaning Behind The Song: Pontius Pilate’s Home Movies by …

  12. Including results for Pontius wikipedia.
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