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  1. Lijst van zoogdieren - Wikipedia

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    Characters and their states depicted on 3D endocasts of Arctocephalus australis, A. gazella, and Pusa hispida. Black line associated with character 8 shows the position of the hypophysis in relation to the line that joins the ventral end of the pseudosylvian fissure. Not to same scale
    As it is generally the case with other anatomical complexes analyzed in pinnipeds (Berta et al. 2005 ), the Otariidae and the Phocidae show quite distinct characteristics, while the Odobenidae share features with both ‘families’. The structure, zonation and surface complexity of the encephalon are no exceptions.
    In the Otariidae species studied, the olfactory bulbs are proportionally more developed than in other pinnipeds. Individuals of these species spend longer periods on land than phocids and have a social structure in which olfactory information/cues play an important role.
    Therefore, mention of an encephalic structure here refers to its imprint on the skull, and not to the organ itself.
  3. Zeeleeuwen (Otariidae) - Zeehondencentrum Pieterburen

  4. Australian fur seal: cheeky, chunky, boof-head of the sea - Cosmos

  5. First record of ocular albinism in sub-Antarctic fur seal ... - Springer

  6. The brain of fur seals, seals, and walrus (Pinnipedia): A ... - Springer

  7. Aspects of the skin morphology in the sub-Antarctic fur seal

  8. Evaluating threats to South Shetland Antarctic fur seals amidst ...

  9. Marine Species Traits - Arctocephalus pusillus (Schreber, 1775)

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