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    Zoanthids (order Zoantharia also called Zoanthidea or Zoanthiniaria) are an order of cnidarians commonly found in coral reefs, the deep sea and many other marine environments around the world. These animals come in a variety of different colonizing formations and in numerous different colors. … Meer weergeven

    The name of the order is controversial. Non-specialists often use the term Zoanthidea whereas most taxonomists use Zoantharia. The term Zoantharia in turn is used … Meer weergeven

    Captive Propagation afbeelding

    Zoanthidae include many species popular in the fishkeeping world, among hobbyists and professionals. They are relatively easy to keep alive … Meer weergeven

    Some zoanthids contain the highly toxic substance palytoxin. Palytoxin is one of the most toxic organic substances in the world, but … Meer weergeven

    Overzicht afbeelding
    Families and genera afbeelding
    Aquaria afbeelding

    Zoanthids can be distinguished from other colonial anthozoans and soft coral by their characteristic of incorporating sand and other small … Meer weergeven

    The families and genera within the order Zoantharia (also known as Zoanthidea) are:
    Suborder … Meer weergeven

    Zooanthids and Palythoa are propagated in captivity by cutting the polyps apart using a scalpal or scissors then attaching to a surface … Meer weergeven

    Zoanthids feed both by photosynthesis, aided by the zooxanthellae they contain, and by capturing plankton and particulate matter. Although photosynthesis aids in their … Meer weergeven

    Wikipedia-tekst onder CC-BY-SA-licensie
  2. Zoantharia - Wikipedia

  3. WEB8 mei 2018 · Zoantharians represent a group of marine invertebrates widely distributed from shallow waters to the deep sea. Despite a high diversity and abundance in the rocky reefs of the Pacific Ocean, very...

  4. Zoantharia - Animalia

  5. Zoantharia - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics

  6. Zoantharia (Cnidaria: Hexacorallia) of the Dutch Caribbean with ...