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    Merlangius merlangus, commonly known as whiting or merling, is an important food fish in the eastern North Atlantic Ocean and the northern Mediterranean, western Baltic, and Black Sea. In Anglophonic countries outside the Whiting's natural range, the name "whiting" has been applied to … Meer weergeven

    Merlangius merlangus has three dorsal fins with a total of 30 to 40 soft rays and two anal fins with 30 to 35 soft rays. The body is long and the head small and a chin barbel, if present, is very small. This fish can reach a … Meer weergeven

    Until the late 20th century, Whiting was a cheap fish, regarded as food for the poor or for pets. The general decline in fish stocks means it is now more highly valued. The other … Meer weergeven

    Overzicht afbeelding

    Whiting are native to the northeastern Atlantic Ocean. Their range extends from the southeastern Barents Sea and Iceland to Scandinavia, the Baltic Sea, the North Sea Meer weergeven

    Whiting and related other Gadidae species are plagued by parasites. These include the cod worm (Lernaeocera branchialis), a copepod crustacean … Meer weergeven

    Wikipedia-tekst onder CC-BY-SA-licensie
  2. Merlangius - Wikipedia

  3. Wijting - Feiten, Dieet, Leefomgeving & Foto's op

  4. Merlangius - Facts, Diet, Habitat & Pictures on

  5. Wijting - De Viswijzer van WWF

  6. Merlangius -

  7. Merlangius merlangus, Whiting : fisheries, gamefish, aquarium

  8. Life history traits of the Black Sea whiting Merlangius merlangus ...