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  1. Size at birth (DW): 22-45 cm. Habitat: Demersal and semi-pelagic in estuaries, lagoons and on the continental shelf, occurring in tropical and warm temperate coastal waters, occasionally offshore. Inhabits both benthic and pelagic environments at depth between 10 and 500 m, but also observed close to the surface of the water.
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    Aetomylaeus bovinus, also known as the bull ray, duckbill ray, or duckbill eagle ray, is a species of large stingray of the family Myliobatidae found around the coasts of Europe and Africa. Se mere

    The species is ovoviviparous and reach sexual maturity at 4 to 6 years old. With a low fecundity of three to four pups per litter and a long Se mere

    Aetomylaeus bovinus is facing various and numerous threats, from fisheries to habitat degradation. As it is a benthic and semi-pelagic feeder, it is by-catch by a large game of industrial or Se mere

    The full distribution of the bull ray is uncertain but it is known to be found in the Mediterranean Sea, the Black Sea, the eastern Se mere

    Oversigt Billede

    On a global scale, Aetomylaeus bovinus is classified as Critically Endangered. The bull ray is now part of the 53% of elasmobranchs native … Se mere

    Wikipedia-tekst under CC-BY-SA-licens
  3. Bull ray - Facts, Diet, Habitat & Pictures on

  4. Aetomylaeus bovinus - Fakta, føde, habitat og billeder på …

  5. Aetomylaeus bovinus, Bull ray : fisheries, gamefish - FishBase

  6. Aetomylaeus bovinus – Guide of Mediterranean Skates & Rays

  7. Distribution and Abundance of Coastal Elasmobranchs in

  8. Aetomylaeus bovinus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2021

  9. Distribution and Abundance of Coastal Elasmobranchs in

  10. Aetomylaeus bovinus, Duckbill Eagle Ray

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