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      Het Bluetooth Setje van Shark | Geschikt voor Shark Helmen

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    Finetooth shark - Wikipedia

    The finetooth shark (Carcharhinus isodon) is a species of requiem shark, in the family Carcharhinidae, found in the western Atlantic Ocean, from North Carolina to Brazil. It forms large schools in shallow, coastal waters, and migrates seasonally following warm water. A relatively small, slender-bodied shark, the … Se mere

    The finetooth shark was originally described as Carcharias (Aprionodon) isodon by French zoologist Achille Valenciennes, in Müller and Henle's 1839 Systematische … Se mere

    Human interactions Billede
    Description Billede

    In North American waters, the finetooth shark is common and found from North Carolina to the northern Gulf of Mexico, and very occasionally straying as far north as New York. In Central and South American waters, it is rare, but may occur more widely than … Se mere

    Oversigt Billede
    Biology and ecology Billede

    The body of the finetooth shark is slender and streamlined. The snout is long and pointed, with the nares preceded by short, broadly triangular flaps of skin. The eyes are large and round, … Se mere

    Adult and juvenile finetooth sharks form large schools. This energetic, fast-moving predator feeds mainly on small bony fishes, often entering the surf zone during the day to hunt. The … Se mere

    The finetooth shark has never been implicated in an attack on humans. However, when caught, this shark thrashes and snaps at anything within range, and people … Se mere

    Wikipedia-tekst under CC-BY-SA-licens
  2. Finetooth Shark– Facts, Size, Behavior, Diet, Pictures

  3. Finetooth Shark | FWC - Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation …

  4. Finetooth shark - Facts, Diet, Habitat & Pictures on


      Het Bluetooth Setje van Shark | Geschikt voor Shark Helmen