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    Lemon shark - Wikipedia

    Lemon sharks are found from New Jersey to southern Brazil in the tropical western Atlantic Ocean. They also live off the coast of west Africa in the southeastern Atlantic. In addition, lemon sharks have been found in the eastern Pacific, from southern Baja California to Ecuador and in Cape Verde in Sal Island. This … Meer weergeven

    The lemon shark (Negaprion brevirostris) is a species of shark from the family Carcharhinidae and is classified as a Vulnerable … Meer weergeven

    The shark's yellow colouring serves as an excellent camouflage when swimming over the sandy seafloor in its coastal habitat. The … Meer weergeven

    Many species of sharks, including the lemon shark, are known to actively prefer to be social and live in groups or loose aggregations. A few benefits of group living are … Meer weergeven

    This species of shark is best known in its behavior and ecology, mainly due to the work of Samuel Gruber at the University of Miami, … Meer weergeven

    Overzicht afbeelding
    Social behavior afbeelding

    The lemon shark was first named and described in 1868 by Felipe Poey. He originally named it Hypoprion brevirostris, but later … Meer weergeven

    Information about activity patterns and the use of space is important in understanding a species' behavioral ecology. Animals often make … Meer weergeven

    Lemon sharks congregate for reproduction at special mating grounds. Females give birth to their young in shallow nursery waters to … Meer weergeven

    Wikipedia-tekst onder CC-BY-SA-licensie
  2. Lemon Shark Facts - Habitat ,Social Behavior & Human Interaction ...

  3. Lemon shark - Facts, Diet, Habitat & Pictures on

  4. Lemon Shark | Oceana

  5. Lemon Shark Facts: Description, Behavior, Conservation …

    WEB14 jan. 2020 · Lemon sharks are coastal sharks that live in warm subtropical waters of the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean. They prefer bony fish as prey and are not aggressive toward humans, but are threatened …

  6. Wildlife Fact Sheets: Lemon Shark - Ocean Conservancy

  7. Lemon Shark Facts & Information Guide - American …

    WEBLearn about the lemon shark, a coastal species that lives in reefs, bays, and mangroves around the world. Find out where they are found, what they eat, how they reproduce, and what threats they face.

  8. Lemon Shark: The Apex Predator of the Tropics - Ocean Info

  9. Lemon Sharks Info Guide - Dutch Shark Society

    WEB14 okt. 2022 · Where do Lemon Sharks Live? Lemon sharks live in shallow, subtropical waters in the Atlantic Ocean, Eastern Pacific, and the Caribbean. They are often found close to the shore, where the bottom …

  10. Lemon shark – Save our Sharks NL

    WEBThe lemon shark is a large-bodied shark that is easily distinguished by its relatively large dorsal fins and yellow-brownish skin. Once one of the most common shark species on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean, the lemon …

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