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  1. The Blue Tang: een gids voor de verzorging van deze kleurrijke …

  2. Blue Tang (Hippo Tang) 101: A Complete Dive into Care, Habitat …

  4. Blue Tang (Paracanthurus Hepatus): Ultimate Care Guide

    WEB24 nov. 2023 · Learn about the Blue Tang, a beautiful and poisonous fish that can be kept as a pet in a saltwater tank. Find out how to care for them, what to feed them, how to avoid diseases, and more.

  5. Paracanthurus hepatus: blue tang - Reef pedia

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    The Blue Tang, scientifically known as Paracanthurus hepatus, belongs to the surgeonfish family. It is commonly found in the Indo-Pacific region, particularly in the coral reefs of the Pacific Ocean. This species is known for its vibrant blue coloration and sleek body shape.
    Several species of surgeonfish or tang are called Blue Hippo tangs, such as the Powder Blue Tang ( Acanthurus leucosternon) from the Indo-Pacific region and the Blue tang ( Paracanthurus hepatus) that’s found in the Atlantic Ocean. However, all those species are related, and they have similar care requirements.
    It is commonly found in the Indo-Pacific region, particularly in the coral reefs of the Pacific Ocean. This species is known for its vibrant blue coloration and sleek body shape. Blue Tangs have a unique body shape with a laterally compressed body and a distinct dorsal fin that resembles a surgeon’s scalpel.
    In the wild, Blue Tangs are found in the western Atlantic Ocean around coral reefs. Even though Blue Tangs can be bred in captivity, roughly 250,000 Blue Tangs are still estimated to be taken from the wild for sale in the aquarium trade. Can You Keep Blue Tang As A Pet? Blue Tangs can be kept as pets but quickly become expensive to maintain.
  7. Blue Hippo Tang (Paracanthurus Hepatus) Caresheet

  8. Blue Tang Care Guide en vereisten -

  9. The Blue Tang: A Guide to Caring for These Colorful Fish

  10. Blue Tang 101 (And Some Amazing Facts) - JalJeev

  11. Blue Tang Saltwater Fish(Paracanthurus Hepatus) Care Guide

  12. Blue Tang Care, Information, & Pictures (Hippo Tang)