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  1. Portaal Biologie Melicertum octocostatum is een hydroïdpoliep uit de familie Melicertidae. De poliep komt uit het geslacht Melicertum. Melicertum octocostatum werd in 1835 voor het eerst wetenschappelijk beschreven door Sars.
    Klasse: Hydrozoa (Hydroïdpoliepen)
    Stam: Cnidaria (Neteldieren)
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  2. Mensen vragen ook naar
    Melicertum is a genus of hydrozoans belonging to the family Melicertidae. The species of this genus are found in Europe and Northern America. ^ a b c "Melicertum L.Agassiz, 1862". Retrieved 9 July 2021. This Leptothecata -related article is a stub. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it.
    In our phylogeny M. octocostatum is the basalmost leptothecate species with medusae with gonads on the radial canals. The clade defined by S. lobata and M. octocostatum (Melicertidae) has a basal position in Leptothecata ( Figs 1 and 2 ), similar to Leclère et al. 45 but different from Peña Cantero et al. 46.
    Medusae of this taxon have no ocelli or other marginal sensory structure 4, but the gonads are on the radial canals, which is a typical character of the medusa of Leptothecata. In our phylogeny M. octocostatum is the basalmost leptothecate species with medusae with gonads on the radial canals.
    Part of the taxon has gonothecae protected by phylactocarps or corbulae 5. Additional references: Gravier 108; Svoboda & Cornelius 109. Plumulariida sensu novum has a high nodal support and includes four families characterized by free nematothecae and bilateral symmetry of the hydrotheca in many species.
  3. | Nederlands Soortenregister

  4. Melicertidium Haeckel, 1879 - World Register of Marine Species

  5. Towards a phylogenetic classification of Leptothecata (Cnidaria ...

  6. Melicertum - Wikipedia

  7. NDFF Verspreidingsatlas | Melicertum octocostatum

  8. The Life-history of Melicertidium octo-costatum (Sars), a ā€¦

  9. Melicertum octocostatum, Eight-strand jelly

  10. Zooplankton and Micronekton of the North Sea 2.0: Melicertum ā€¦

  11. Melicertum octocostatum (M. Sars, 1835) - World Register of ā€¦

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