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  1. Toxodon (meaning "bow tooth" in reference to the curvature of the teeth) is an extinct genus of large ungulate native to South America from the Late Miocene to early Holocene epochs (Mayoan to Lujanian in the SALMA classification) (about 11.6 million to 11,000 years ago).
    Class: Mammalia
    Family: Toxodontidae
    Genus: †Toxodon, Owen, 1837
    Kingdom: Animalia
    Was dit nuttig?
  2. Schelpterminologie - Wikipedia

  3. Hinge teeth - Wikipedia

  4. Arkschelpen - Wikipedia

  5. Toxodonta - Wikipedia

  6. Toxodon - Wikipedia

  7. Toxodon - Wikipedia

  8. Portlandia arctica - Wikipedia

  9. Barbatia - Wikipedia

  10. Arcida - Wikipedia

  11. A Pictorial Review of the Types of Bivalve Hinge Teeth

    Web1 mei 2018 · Taxodont: The taxodont hinge shows either one or two rows of similar interlocking teeth on either side of the umbones. These hinge teeth are found in Arcidae, Glycymerididae, and Nuculidae.