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  1. Mediterranean grenadier / Ordre
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    Mediterranean grenadier - Wikipedia

    The Mediterranean grenadier has a measurement of up to 73 cm (29 in). The head is scaled except for its gular and branchiostegal membranes; it has a blunt snout. Its brain shows increased volume in the octavolateral area (premotor organization of body movements) and gustatory area (taste); this is … Afficher plus

    The Mediterranean grenadier (Coryphaenoides mediterraneus) is a species of deep-sea fish in the family Macrouridae. Afficher plus

    The Mediterranean grenadier lives in the North Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean Sea and Gulf of Mexico; it is bathydemersal, living at depths of … Afficher plus

    image Vue d’ensemble

    The Mediterranean grenadier feeds on small benthic invertebrates. They exhibit a cycle of daily activity, because the solar cycle influences the movement of pelagic prey who move … Afficher plus

    Texte Wikipédia sous licence CC-BY-SA
  3. Coryphaenoides mediterraneus - Wikipedia

  4. Coryphaenoides — Wikipédia

  5. Foraminifera - The World Foraminifera Database - WoRMS

  6. Coryphaenoides mediterraneus, Mediterranean grenadier

  7. Coryphaenoides mediterraneus, Mediterranean grenadier - FishBase

  8. Parasite fauna of the Mediterranean grenadier Coryphaenoides ...

  9. The role of the Strait of Gibraltar in shaping the genetic …

    WEB1 mai 2017 · mediterraneus haplo-groups (Atlantic and Mediterranean) was on average of 0.54% ± 0.20% (± SE), and the average p-distances between C. mediterraneus and other closely related Coryphaenoides

  10. The role of the Strait of Gibraltar in shaping the genetic ... - SZN

  11. Ecology Summary - Coryphaenoides mediterraneus

  12. Recherches associées pour Coryphaenoides mediterraneus orde

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