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    Indus river dolphin - Wikipedia

    The Indus river dolphin (Platanista minor) is a species of freshwater dolphin in the family Platanistidae. It is endemic to the Indus River basin in Pakistan and Beas River in northwestern India. This dolphin was the first discovered side-swimming cetacean. It is patchily distributed in five small, sub-populations that … Meer weergeven

    The Indus river dolphin was described in 1853 by Richard Owen under the name Platanista gangetica, var. minor, based on a dolphin skull, which was smaller than skulls of the Ganges river dolphin.
    The Indus … Meer weergeven

    Threats afbeelding

    It is thought that Indus river dolphin swims on its side to efficiently navigate shallow… Meer weergeven

    The Indus river dolphin is protected under Appendix I of the Convention on the International Trade of Endangered Species which prohibits the commercial international … Meer weergeven

    Overzicht afbeelding
    Description afbeelding

    The Indus dolphin has the long, pointed nose characteristic of all river dolphins. The teeth are visible in both the upper and lower jaws… Meer weergeven

    The Indus river dolphin presently only occurs in the Indus River system. These dolphins occupied about 3,400 km of the Indus… Meer weergeven

    The Indus river dolphin has been very adversely affected by human use of the river systems in the subcontinent.… Meer weergeven

    Wikipedia-tekst onder CC-BY-SA-licensie
  2. ADW: Platanista minor: INFORMATION

  3. Platanista minor - Feiten, Dieet, Leefomgeving & Foto's op

  4. Mensen vragen ook naar
    Platanista minor is described as mainly solitary, though the dolphins have occasionally been found in groups consisting of as many as 30 individuals. In general, however, Indus River dolphins travel in groups of no more than 3.
    Since females are pregnant for up to 11 months, newborns are about half the size of their mothers at birth, calves nurse up to a year after birth, Indus River dolphin offspring are probably very costly. ( Moreno, 2004) No data is available about the lifespan of Platanista minor.
    ( Moreno, 2004; Reeves and Chaudhry, 1998) Platanista minor is a species of great concern, and a combination of human-created barriers such as dams and barrages, hunting, and a limited natural range have resulted in a dangerously-low total population of only several hundred individuals.
    Indus River dolphin (Platanista gangetica minor) – an update on the current assessment and conservation challenge. Working Paper presented at the International Whaling Commission, Bled, Slovenia, 2017. SC/67A/SM/22. Braulik, G. T., Bhatti, Z. I., Ehsan, T., Hussain, B., Khan, A. R., Khan, A., et al. (2012).
  5. Indische rivierdolfijnen - Wikipedia

  6. Indus River Dolphin - Facts, Diet, Habitat & Pictures on

  7. Platanista gangetica minor - World Register of Marine Species

  8. Indus river dolphin - River Dolphins

    WEB(Platanista minor) Common or local names: Indus blind dolphin, blind river dolphin, and ‘bhulan’.

  9. Susu and Bhulan: Platanista gangetica gangetica and P. g. minor

  10. Platanista minor — University of St Andrews Research Portal

  11. Frontiers | Deteriorating Habitats and Conservation …

    WEBStatus, population abundance, strandings and rescues of Indus blind dolphin (Platanista minor) in River Indus (Pakistan). Tiger Paper 29, 9–12. Google Scholar

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