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  1. Onderzoeken van "Caulerpa racemosa"
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    Caulerpa racemosa is a species of edible green alga, a seaweed in the family Caulerpaceae. It is commonly known as sea grapes (along with the related Caulerpa lentillifera) and is found in many areas of shallow sea around the world. Despite the name, it is not related to grapes. There are a number of … Meer weergeven

    There are about 75 species of Caulerpa. Many of them exhibit polymorphism, showing different growth forms in different habitats which makes them difficult to identify. C. racemosa, C. laetevirens and C. peltata … Meer weergeven

    C. racemosa is widely distributed in shallow temperate and tropical seas. In 1926 a new form of the alga was reported off Meer weergeven

    Caulerpa species contain secondary metabolites that are cytotoxic, of which caulerpenyne is the most abundant. These deter animals from consuming the plants. A study has … Meer weergeven

    Overzicht afbeelding
    Distribution afbeelding

    A plant of C. racemosa consists of a number of branches linked to stolons which are anchored to the sandy substrate by Meer weergeven

    In the Mediterranean, growth begins in April when new stolons develop and erect branches start growing, and continue till December, … Meer weergeven

    Like the closely related C. lentillifera, C. racemosa is edible. It is consumed widely in salads in Japan, Fiji, the Philippines, and Meer weergeven

    Wikipedia-tekst onder CC-BY-SA-licensie
  3. Integration of in vitro and in-silico analysis of Caulerpa racemosa ...

  4. An Analysis of the Nutritional and Health Values of Caulerpa …

  5. Mensen vragen ook naar
  6. Caulerpa : Ecology, Nutraceutical and Pharmaceutical Potential

  7. Caulerpa racemosa var. cylindracea | CABI Compendium

  8. Integration of in vitro and in-silico analysis of Caulerpa racemosa ...

  9. The Caulerpa racemosa invasion: A critical review - ScienceDirect