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    The cusk or tusk (Brosme brosme) is a North Atlantic cod-like fish in the ling family Lotidae. It is the only species in the genus Brosme. Its other common names include European cusk, and brosmius. Meer weergeven

    It is easily distinguished at a glance from other cod-like fish, as it has only one dorsal fin. Also characteristic of the fish is the nature of … Meer weergeven

    Pollution afbeelding
    Fishing technique afbeelding

    Like many other marine animals, the cusk is directly affected by pollution. A specific pollutant that affects them is inorganic mercury (Hg). … Meer weergeven

    It is strictly a bottom-dwelling species, and is sluggish and a rather weak swimmer. It eats crustaceans and other soft-bodied invertebrates Meer weergeven

    Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) considers this species endangered based on a 2012 Committee on the Status of Endangered … Meer weergeven

    Overzicht afbeelding

    It is distributed on both sides of the North Atlantic, mostly in moderately deep water. On the North American coast, it is regularly found southward to Cape Cod and occasionally off New Jersey. Its maximum range covers most of the North Atlantic, … Meer weergeven

    It spawns in the spring and summer, usually between April and early July. A medium-sized female has been known to produce more … Meer weergeven

    Cusk are primarily fished on the North American North Atlantic coastal shelf near the American state of Maine and the Canadian Maritimes.
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    Wikipedia-tekst onder CC-BY-SA-licensie
  2. Brosme brosme -

  3. Brosme brosme -

  4. Brosme brosme, Cusk : fisheries, gamefish - FishBase

  5. Cusk | Deep-Sea, Bottom-Dwelling, Benthic | Britannica

  6. Cusk - Facts, Diet, Habitat & Pictures on

  7. | Nederlands Soortenregister

  8. Lom - Animalia

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