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    Minke whale - Wikipedia

    The minke whale , or lesser rorqual, is a species complex of baleen whale. The two species of minke whale are the common (or northern) minke whale and the Antarctic (or southern) minke whale. The minke whale was first described by the Danish naturalist Otto Fabricius in 1780, who assumed it must be an … Se mere

    Most modern classifications split the minke whale into two species:
    Common minke whale or northern minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata), and
    Antarctic minke whale or southern minke whale (Balaenoptera … Se mere

    Behavior Billede
    Description Billede

    The whale breathes three to five times at short intervals before "deep-diving" for 2 to 20 minutes. Deep dives are preceded by a pronounced arching of the back. The maximum swimming … Se mere

    North Atlantic
    Minke whales in the north Atlantic are observed to take a variety of food items. Before 1993, minke whales in the north Barents Sea Se mere

    Due to their relative abundance, minke whales are often the focus of whale-watching cruises setting sail from, for instance, the Se mere

    Whale watching Billede
    Oversigt Billede

    The minke whales are the second smallest baleen whale; only the pygmy right whale is smaller. Upon reaching sexual maturity (7–8 years of age), … Se mere

    Whaling Billede

    As of 2018, the IUCN Red List labels the common minke whale as Least Concern and the Antarctic minke whale as Near Threatened. Se mere

    Whaling was mentioned in Norwegian written sources as early as the year 800, and hunting minke whales with harpoons was common in the … Se mere

    Wikipedia-tekst under CC-BY-SA-licens
  3. Minke whale - IWC

  4. Common minke whale - Wikipedia

  5. Minke Whale | NOAA Fisheries

  6. Northern (or common) minke whale | WWF

    WebThe minke whale is the smallest of the rorqual whales. Females reach an average length of 8.5m and males grow to about 8m. Like other baleen whales, those found in the northern hemisphere tend to be smaller than …

  7. Folk spørger også om
    The common minke whale or northern minke whale ( Balaenoptera acutorostrata) is a species of minke whale within the suborder of baleen whales . It is the smallest species of the rorquals and the second smallest species of baleen whale.
    The minke whale ( / ˈmɪnki / ), or lesser rorqual, is a species complex of baleen whale. The two species of minke whale are the common (or northern) minke whale and the Antarctic (or southern) minke whale.
    The Northern (or Common) minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) Note: the minke whales in the Southern Hemisphere are a separate species, Southern (or Antarctic) minke ( Balaenoptera bonaerensis) Minke whale range The Northern (or Common) minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata)
    Most modern classifications split the minke whale into two species : Antarctic minke whale or southern minke whale ( Balaenoptera bonaerensis ). Taxonomists further categorize the common minke whale into two or three subspecies; the North Atlantic minke whale, the North Pacific minke whale and dwarf minke whale.
  8. Common minke whale - Whale and Dolphin Conservation

    WebThe common minke whale is the smallest of all baleen whales, reaching around 8 to 9 metres long. Their sleek, dark bodies parade black, dark brown and grey tones with a lighter belly that flashes through the water.

  9. Minke Whale | Whale Watching Handbook

    WebMinke whales and whale watching. Minke whales are one of the primary targets of boat-based coastal whale watching activities in Scotland 12, Norway and Iceland 13, but their habitat often overlaps with that of …

  10. Minke whale - Whale SENSE

    WebMinke whales are considered the most abundant rorqual whale throughout the world. They are extremely fast swimmers, reaching speeds of 18-24 knots (16-24 mph) Lifespan: Minke whales can live up to 50 years. …

  11. Northern or Common minke whale - Whale & Dolphin …

    WebCommon minke whales are found in oceans all over the world. They prefer cooler temperatures, are frequently seen in coastal and inshore waters and are less common in tropical waters. During the winter they typically travel …

  12. Minke Whale | Oceana

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