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  1. Alexandrium ostenfeldii - Wikipedia

  2. Morphology, phylogenetic position, and ecophysiology of

  3. Mensen vragen ook naar
    Since 2012, dense Alexandrium ostenfeldii blooms (up to 4500 cells mL −1) have recurred annually in a creek located in the southwest of the Netherlands, an area characterized by intense agriculture and aquaculture.
    Alexandrium ostenfeldii was also identified as the primary, if not unique, source of spirolides, a novel group of macrocyclic imines characterized as marine fast-acting toxins ( Cembella et al., 2000 ).
    The dinoflagellate Alexandrium ostenfeldii is a globally widespread toxic HAB-forming species ( Balech, 1995, Fraga and Sanchez, 1985, Gribble et al., 2005, John et al., 2003, Levasseur et al., 1997, Mackenzie et al., 1996, Okolodkov and Dodge, 1996, Wang et al., 2006 ).
    Alexandrium species are difficult to discriminate by conventional light microscopy and A. ostenfeldii often co-occurs with other Alexandrium species, in the North Sea ( John et al., 2003 ), Gulf of Maine ( Gribble et al., 2005) and on the Nova Scotian coast ( Cembella et al., 1999 ).
  4. Combined physical, chemical and biological factors shape …

  5. Toxin Variability Estimations of 68 Alexandrium ostenfeldii ...

  6. WEBWe assessed the occurrence of Alexandrium ostenfeldii, the unique known producer of spirolides, by inverted light microscopy and by PCR with species-specific oligonucleotides designed for the ITS and 18S rDNA.

  7. Onderzoek naar de bloei van giftige algen in Nederland